Project Approach

Institutional Set-Up

Uttarakhand Forest Resource Management Society is an autonomous Society constituted under the Society Registration Act 1860. A High-Powered Committee (HPC) formed at the State level, also called the Governing Body of the Society, is the highest policy decision-making body guiding the Project at the apex level and is headed by the Chief Secretary of the State. An Executive Committee (EC) was formed to oversee the implementation of the Project at regular intervals. It is headed by the Principal Secretary (Forest) and PCCF as the Vice Chairperson.

Project Management Unit (PMU)

Project Management Unit (PMU) is an Autonomous Society created by the State Government and registered under the Society Registration Act 1860. Since the project’s inception, PMU has been implementing and monitoring work in the UFRMP. At the State level, the PMU is assisted by a Project Management Consultancy (PMC) to augment its capacity in providing necessary skill sets required for process improvement and expertise in various fields in Project Implementation.

Divisional Management Unit (DMU)

On the field, the Project is implemented by Divisional Management Unit (DMU), and headed by DFO, who is an ex-officio DMU Chief. A DAC (District Advisory Committee) is proposed at the District Level, headed by District Collector who will ensure Inter-Sectoral Convergence (ISC). A DAC forms an important strategy not only to achieve the Project goals, but also impart sustainability to the Project ingenuities. The DMU manages day-to-day project management activities implemented at the Division Level.

Field Management Unit (FMU)

Field Management Unit (FMU) is headed by Range Officer, who is an ex-officio FMU Chief. It supervises and monitors the project activities at the Village level.
A partner NGO team is assigned to each FMU. Field level NGOs (FNGOs) would be involved in microplanning and participatory processes UFRMP High Powered Committee (HPC) meeting is chaired by the Chief Secretary, Uttarakhand.
FNGO sare required due to lack of staff having skills like community participatory approach, prevailing social structure and its attitudes and dynamics in the Project area. The FNGO would fill this gap by providing support of qualified professional staff to cover the social engineering aspects of the Project.

Van Panchayats (VPS):

Van Panchayats (VPs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are the project implementers at the village-level with the assistance from VP Animator. Each VP will be given NGO support for handholding. VPs aid in preparing the comprehensive forest/village micro-plans.